Matthew & Maggie Loftus

Thanks for visiting our website!

We live and work in Chogoria, Kenya at PCEA Chogoria Hospital. From 2018-2023, we worked at AIC Litein Hospital. Before that, we worked in Yei, South Sudan before we had to unexpectedly evacuate. Before that, we lived for 6 years in the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood of Baltimore (where we are still members of New Song Community Church).

Matthew is a family doctor who likes to write; you can read the stuff he’s written by clicking on the link that says “Writing.”

Maggie is a mother-baby nurse who likes to take pictures; you can look at the stuff she’s photographed by clicking on the link that says “Photography.”

If you’d like to support us financially (we have to raise all of our own support), you may click here to do so.

You can sign up for our email updates here. We send them out roughly once a month with more details of our work, prayer requests, and pictures.

You can e-mail Matthew at loftus dot matthew at gmail dot com.